Des Menschen Heilung - Ein Raphael-Oster-Spiel
by Hans Joachim Pohl
"The Healing of Humanity - A Raphael Easter Play"
is written by a medical doctor from Germany who immigrated to Australia in 1952 to establish anthroposophical medicine. (German language only)
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Des Menschen Heilung
- Ein Raphael-Oster-Spiel
Hans Joachim Pohl
Paperback, 80 pages,
3 colour illustrations, 1 b/w photography.
Edited and introduced by Michael Schnur. (German language only)
ISBN-13: 978-3-937890-00-5
P00-005 |
15,00 € |
Des Menschen Heilung
- Ein Raphael-Oster-Spiel
Set with 4 similar books
Hans Joachim Pohl
The Raphael Easter Play is worthwhile reading with aßigned parts. For your convenience we have a special offer:
Pay for 3 books and get 4.
(German language only)
ISBN-13: 978-3-937890-00-5
P02-005 |
45,00 € |
Learn more about this book
The play had its debut performance in Sydney in 1999. In addition to the first publication of the play there is plenty of study material that proves
Dr. Pohl a pioneer of anthroposophical medicine in Europe and overseas in Australia.
In the appendix you will also find an exclusive publication of a similar play called 'Cultic Easter Play' by Gunda-Elisabeth Bühler who was a medical
doctor too.
Hans Joachim Pohl was born in Silesia (Poland, former Germany) in 1909. He worked as a medical doctor in Germany until his immigration to Australia in 1951.
There he established a new herbal medicine based on what was growing on the southern hemisphere and based on the holistic idea of the anthroposophical medicine.
Together with his wife Kyra he started "Inala", the first anthroposophical home for curative education in Australia.
There he worked as a doctor until he died in 1963. |
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