„He, who works whith hand, head and heart, is an artist.“
Franz von Assisi |
The SIXTINA Verlag GbR in Dresden is publishing art prints, postcards, calendars
and books. New photographs of the „Representative of Humanity“ are available, with and without timber frames.
If you wish to obtain our online product news please mail to: 
Please place the mouse pointer over the thumbnails to obtain a larger view of the picture! |
Image |
Specification |
The "Representative of Humanity" New photographs from „The Representative of Humanity“. The sculpture was created between 1917 and 1925 in a co-operation between Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)
and Edith Maryon (1872-1924). |

Das Mysterium der Zahl
by Dieter Buchholz
This book deals with the secrets and meanings of the figures 1 - 100 in the different cultures, in mens biography and as a mirror of planetary
movements on the sky (German language only). |

New book!
Des Menschen Heilung - Ein Raphael-Oster-Spiel
by Hans Joachim Pohl
The Healing of Humanity - A Raphael Easter Play – is written by a medical doctor from Germany who immigrated to Australia in 1952 to
establish anthroposophical medicine. (German language only) |

Unser Jahreskreis - Perpetual children's calendar
by Wera Bockemühl
For children of 3 years or older the pictures and verses are suited to let them visually experience
the mood and the spirit of the seasons and their sequence in the cycle of the year. Schoolchildren proudly are able to read
the little verses on their own one day. (Pictures: multilingual, Text: German language). |

Water Colours by Franz Sykora
Set of water colours „The christian feasts around the course of the year“
Postcards (10,5 x 14,8 cm)
Sensible water colours show the inner movement and atmosphere of the christian feasts around the course of the year. |

Water Colours by Franz Sykora
Set of water colours about „Elbe sandstone mountains“
Postcards (10,5 x 14,8 cm)
For many years Franz Sykora is hiking around in the lovely area of „Elbe Sandstone Mountains“ near Dresden. Always equiped with paint brush and easle.
His water colours capture the unique atmosphere. |

Rhythmic Embrocations
Pastels by Cristina Mösch de Carvalho (Switzerland) showing rhythmic embrocations after Wegman/ Hauschka.
Postcards (10,5 x 14,8 cm) |

Postcard with the „Sistine Madonna“
by Raffaelo Santi, also called Raffael
Postcards extra large (11,4 x 16,2 cm)
Sistine Madonna by Raphael, postcard with white decorative margins. The most authentic rendering we were able to
find, especially where image detail and colours
are concerned. High confidence in colours and selected view (full frame). |

Picture frames
Hand made frames from alder and ash timber to match the different art prints offered here. |

New book!
The Tree – Link between heaven and earth
Hans Preuße, Georg Buß, Brigitte Grübler (Editor)
This esteemed book contains the artistic-scientific legacy of Hans Preuße, who makes the reader aware, through numerous and often
coloured drawings, of the secret of the phenomenon “Tree„.
The tree as individual, the tree as part of the forest, as local vegetation, and of course as part of our green earth.
With this book you can now see the wood for the trees again.

Glossar der Handchirurgie
by Michael Schönberg
Dictionary of Hand Surgery. A unique encyclopaedia of terms, classifications and operations of hand surgery (German language only). |

Only in german language!
Ein Anleitungsblatt für Patienten, solides Bilderdruckpapier DIN A 4, beidseitig bedruckt, mit 27 farbigen Abbildungen, gebündelt zu je 100 Blatt. |
